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Crée le : 2 janvier 2006
Page affichée 11772 fois
Par : admin
Mise à jour le : 22 novembre 2007
Yoke of the Past [level 20]
Quest Name
Starting Location and NPC
Repeatable ?
Yoke of the Past All 20 Entrance to Catacombs/Necropolis (Gatekeeper Ziggurat) Y

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The Ziggurat Gatekeeper is the ancient gatekeeper of the 8 necropoli and 6 catacombs. At one time, they had been humans. But ancient magic sealed their souls to watch over the underground temples... To release them from their seals, you are requested to search for the Ancient Scroll. Surely the winds of change will blow ? What is the reason for Mamon’s Trader collecting blank scrolls... ? This quest is one all characters from levels 20 to 75 may challenge. The blank scroll quest reward can be used in trade with ’Trader of Mamon’.

Moyenne : 1.4/5 (88 votes)

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